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  • The Best Brazilian Cookbooks to Discover the Flavors of Brazil

When I was a kid, I didn't know what the best Brazilian cookbooks were.

I didn't even think in terms of "Brazilian." All I thought was, “those pictures look juicy.”

As I grew up, I started looking for other cookbooks. After all, living alone meant I didn't have my mãe to cook for me. I had to do it myself.

The first cookbook I got was an old Dona Benta cookbook, a famous one if you're living in Brazil. But then I found the universe of Brazilian recipes and food.

What I like most about our cuisine is that it has something for everyone.

And in this article, I'll introduce you to the top 10 Brazilian cookbooks that will take you on a delicious journey through the country's diverse regions and culinary styles. Then we'll discuss picking the best cookbook if you don't like those in this list.

Disclaimer: the links to the cookbooks are affiliate links, which means I may make a small commission if you purchase through them. That's how I keep this website up and running.

Top 10 Brazilian Cookbooks

Brazilian cuisine is incredibly diverse, with each region of the country having its own unique flavors and ingredients.

From classic recipes to modern adaptations, these cookbooks showcase the best of Brazilian cuisine, taking you on a culinary journey through the country's rich history and culture.

"The Brazilian Kitchen" by Leticia Moreinos Schwartz (3rd edition)

This cookbook covers it all. The 100 recipes are easy to follow, and the book also includes beautiful photography and cultural insights.

"Brazilian Food" by Thiago Castanho & Luciana Bianchi

Written by one of Brazil's most celebrated chefs, this cookbook showcases the best contemporary Brazilian cuisine. The book features recipes in all ranges, including traditional dishes with a modern twist, such as grilled octopus with avocado puree and tapioca chips, a great snack if you don't want the tasty but hypercaloric ones I love. The book also includes stunning photography and stories about the culture and history of Brazilian food.

"The Food and Cooking of Brazil" by Fernando Farah

This cookbook is a comprehensive guide to Brazilian cuisine, covering everything from street food to haute cuisine. The book features over 60 recipes, along with beautiful photography and stories about the people and places behind the food. The book also includes a glossary of Brazilian ingredients and cooking techniques.

"Churrasco: Grilling the Brazilian Way" by Evandro Caregnato

Churrasco (Brazilian barbecue) is a beloved culinary tradition in Brazil (especially for the Sunday family lunch), and this cookbook is the ultimate guide to grilling like a Brazilian. The book features over 70 recipes for meats, sides, and drinks, along with tips for grilling and serving. The book also includes beautiful photography and stories about the history and culture of churrasco.

"Tasting Brazil: Regional Recipes and Reminiscences" by Jessica B. Harris

This is an old, hard-to-find volume.

This cookbook is a celebration of the regional cuisines of Brazil, featuring recipes and stories from all corners of the country. The book includes traditional recipes, such as Bahian seafood stew and Amazonian fish soup, along with beautiful photography and cultural insights. And Jessica Harris is a historian with an accurate description of the recipes.

"The Brazilian Table" by Yara Roberts

This cookbook is a tribute to the home cooking of Brazil, featuring recipes that are simple, delicious, and easy to make. This Julia Child Book Award finalist includes over 100 recipes, such as chicken xim-xim and shrimp in coconut sauce, along with beautiful photography and stories about the culture and history of Brazilian food.

"A Taste of Brazil: Traditional Brazilian Cooking Made Easy with Authentic Brazilian Recipes" by Sarah Spencer

Discover the exotic mix of African, Portuguese, and indigenous cuisines that make up Brazilian cooking in this illustrated cookbook. Featuring 50 easy-to-follow recipes for appetizers, soups, stews, main entrees (including vegetarian options), beans and rice dishes, salads, and desserts - each with detailed ingredient lists and nutritional information –, this book covers everything you need to become an expert in Brazilian food.

"Carnival!: 60 Recipes for a Brasilian Street Party" by David Ponte, Lizzy Barber & Jamie Barber

Get ready to host the ultimate Brazilian-themed party with “Carnival!” Packed with recipes for spicy BBQ dishes, refreshing cocktails, and tips on dancing the samba. From the team behind Cabana restaurants.

"Basics: Brazilian Recipes Encyclopaedia" by Ana Luiza Trajano

At over 500 pages, Basics is a comprehensive exploration of Brazilian cuisine, featuring 512 recipes organized into five chapters. But it’s not just a cookbook - it’s also a collection of stories that bring the dishes to life. Trajano shares anecdotes about the pots, places, and moments that inspired each recipe, making for an engaging read as well as a useful kitchen resource.

"Brazil: A Culinary Journey" by Cherie Hamilton

This cookbook celebrates Brazil’s food, culture, and people, taking you on a culinary journey through the country's diverse regions and flavors. The book includes over 100 recipes, along with beautiful photography and stories about the history and culture of Brazilian food.

How to Choose the Best Brazilian Cookbook

As you've seen, these options don't even scratch the surface when it comes to Brazilian cookbooks.

So, with that many options to choose from, how to pick the best one?

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a Brazilian cookbook that's right for you:

Type of Recipes

Brazilian cuisine is incredibly diverse, and there are many different types of books to choose from. Some cookbooks focus on traditional food from Brazil, while others feature modern adaptations or regional cuisines. Consider what type of recipes you're interested in, and choose a cookbook that aligns with your culinary interests (and skills).

Nutritional Aspect

If you're looking for healthy Brazilian recipes, consider a cookbook focusing on lighter fare, such as salads, seafood, and grilled meats. Many Brazilian dishes are rich and hearty, so if you're watching your calorie intake, look for recipes that are lower in fat and calories.

Additional Information

Many Brazilian cookbooks include additional information about the culture, history, and ingredients of Brazilian cuisine. Consider whether you're interested in learning more about Brazilian food beyond just the recipes, and choose a cookbook that offers additional insights and information.

Useful, Good-looking Pictures

Cookbooks with beautiful photography can be inspiring and helpful when it comes to deciding what to cook. Look for a cookbook with plenty of high-quality photos of the recipes and ingredients, which can help you visualize what the finished dish should look like.

Difficulty of Recipes

Consider your cooking skill level when choosing a Brazilian cookbook. Some cookbooks feature complex recipes that require advanced techniques and equipment, while others are geared toward beginners. Choose a cookbook that aligns with your skill level and experience in the kitchen.

Author of the Book

Consider the author of the cookbook when making your decision. If you're familiar with a particular Brazilian chef or food writer, consider choosing a book they've written. You may also want to look for titles that have won awards or received critical acclaim.

By considering these factors, you can choose a Brazilian cookbook that's right for you and start exploring the delicious flavors of Brazilian cuisine in your own kitchen.

Explore the Best of Brazilian Cuisine Today!

With so many great Brazilian cookbooks to choose from, there's never been a better time to start exploring the flavors and ingredients of this vibrant cuisine. So why not pick up a cookbook today and start cooking up some delicious Brazilian dishes in your own kitchen?

Check out our website for more great content on food, cooking, and Brazilian culture – and if you’d like to know what the best Brazilian foods are (chosen by me), check out this article.

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